Sunday, February 26, 2012

Field Trip: The Art and Design Building

We took a field trip to the Art and Design building earlier this week.  We wandered around, looked at art, and talked to people working in the building.  Here are some photos from our day there.

These works were in display windows near concessions.  We don't know which class did them, or what the assignment was, but we liked them.

Chairs made of a cardboard box that can hold the weight of a person was an assignment from a design foundations class.
To start with, students had to design a chair using a box that could be cut into, but nothing added or taken out.

Joel Mann, a graphics freshman, made the above chair, and encouraged us to sit in it.  He said the strongest shape for the structure is a triangle.

 This is a space chair.

The following are in the architecture building, but we think they are cool.  They are like mini sculptures.

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