Saturday, April 26, 2014

Crowds packed, art sales slow: April's Final Friday

@fakefinal Fridays fav for last night.  Art at the Bottleneck

Although our correspondents promised live tweeting for April's Final Friday, the staff at Larryville Artists shirked our duties and headed for the Replay for a  fantastic early show line-up (see below). Although crowds were packed for Final Friday events, art sales were slow.  The art of Final Fridays draws people Downtown which helps restaurants, bars, and,  in the long run,  could boosts tourism and real estate values. Big audiences at art events makes Lawrence seem like a hip art town.   However,  how much does one night help individual artists sell and promote work? Because the machine of Final Friday relies on the hard work and sweat of the artists who provide the entertainment,  it is a question worth asking. 

Here are Twitter reports: 
Sweet parking spot about eight blocks from our destination!

Things we've learned. Fence art shows should become an East Lawrence trend, and Justin Marable really hates lions.

The best crowds tonight seemed to be at Lawrence Art Party. But every artist we talked to had sold absolutely nothing.

Art of Dave DeHetre displayed on a fence in East Lawrence

At the Replay
Although the staff at Larryville Artists usually do not report music reviews, last night's early show at the Replay is worth a write-up.  Paper Buffalo, who will be competing in the final round of KJHK's farmer's ball, opened, followed by Tele Novella from Austin, Texas.  

Paper Buffalo at the Replay

If you haven't heard of Tela Novella, check them out.  Their sound is unusual, and we instantly bought their CD.  
Here is their band page:

Dean Monkey and the Dropouts finished the night with their sweet doo-wop that could be heard wafting over LFK;  a backdrop for the beautiful evening of Downtown last night.   

Two members from Dean Monkey and The Dropouts

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