Out staff went to painter David Titterington, who we know as an avid reader of interesting things, and asked him what he is reading this summer. Here is his summer reading list:
“The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light: Mythology, Sexuality, and the Origins of Culture.” Using his characteristic “mind jazz,” cultural historian William Irwin Thompson (MIT, Cornell, CIIS, Lindisfarne) tells a fantastic story that integrates media studies, science, myth, tantric spirituality, art history and the history of sex. I think he is a genius and I read everything he writes.
“Material Cultures, Material Minds: The Impact of Things on Human Thought, Society, and Evolution.” Oxford archaeologist Nicole Boivin explores “material agency” and how the physicality of the material world shapes our thoughts, emotions, social relations, and our bodies. This book came highly recommended from KU’s Christopher Forth, who said it changed his research focus from history to sensory history and the body. It’s heady, but good!
“Men’s Bodies Men’s Gods” is a survey of contemporary gender theorists and theologians who provide a pro-feminist, pro-queer revisioning of the male body. This is a must read!
full title: "Men's Bodies, Men's Gods: Male Identities in a (Post-) Christian Culture"

Send us your summer reads and we'll share.
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